Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Thoughts on J. Mei's Presentation...
J. Mei's presentation was about risks of using new media such as online communities.
The example of online communities that we used were pro-eating disorder communities, live webcam communities, MySpace and all kinds of social networking sites.
She gave us a lot of examples that occured in those social networking sites, such as Adam Biggs' live webcam suicide, MySpace Suicide, and Cyber Sexual harrassment.
While I was listening her, I could think one more example, which happend in korea.
In Korea, there are a lot of celebrities commit suicide because of replies from anti-fans on the news about them. So, recently, the government of Korea have strangthen the power of cyber law and actually put those people, who wrote bad things and spread out rumors, to actual jails with several years of sentence.
I completley agreed with J. Mei's point of view of risks of using new media.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Class Wiki So far...
Beginning of the semester, I decided to contribute in New Media in the business field. So I researched book and all kinds of websites to find new and innovative new media.
During the research I found that these days, a lot of companies trying to cut down the travel fees for employees so they are using a video conferencing. This method allow company to not to travel around to have conference in other location. Also, by not traveling around, people could save a lot of time and put those time in preparing the presentation and the conference.
Also, for class wiki, I contributed in putting pictures to other guys posting and also, tried to change misspelled words and wrong use of grammar.
Moreover, I created new pages for New media technologies that recently invented.
I believe this Class Wiki allowed me to learn more about new media and how new media helped our lives.
Class Wiki is such a good way to be more closer to the new media.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Next New Thing
Another new media is unified ticket machine in bus, subway and LIRR. When we take subway or bus, we need to buy tickets and often we forget to refill our tickets and also we could lose tickets easily. In order to prevent these inconvineince, we could merge creditcard machine into transportation ticketing machine. When we get on the bus or subway, we don't need to wait in the line to buy ticket, but just swipe or tap the credit card we are good to go. Isn't it great and fast? lol
Advice To Baruch College
If I were hired by Baruch College to improve use of media in College, I will advise them two things.
First, school need to record professor's lecture on tape or mp3 files to let student to listen after their classes. Some professor never use whiteboard nor any power point slides so for some students, they are having hard time doing both writing notes and listening to professor. Baruch can create a website with mp3 files of professor's lecture and update it daily. If professors are worrying about plagirism, they could make the mp3 file with expiration date. For example, If professor update his mp3 lecture file, it will automatically deletes it self after 1 or 2days. This media can help students in learning course materials fully.
Second, Baruch can offer online courses. In Summer session, there are limited courses offered by school and this limitation could slow down student's graduation so in order to prevent this problem, school can offer online courses that is not offered in summer session. For example, if school can not find a professor to teach a course, school can make course a online. Each department can create their own website of courses and they could put reading materials, homeworks, and exams. (like the homework manager by pearson). This system could cut down school's budget for professor's salaries and student can actually afford to take summer classes.
I do not know how to seperate between new media and old media because there is no such barrier that we could easily recognize.
For example, when we look at the computer, we could say that it is new media. Eventhough, we add new features, it is still a computer.
Maybe, there is some difference in 386 computer and core2duo computer.
For me, old media can be transform into new media with new features added.(convergence)
for example, 128mb mp3 player became 32gb ipod touch and "bulky" cellphone because slim cellphone with camera.
Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds
What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that these technologies can be used?
Virtual worlds have a lot of advantages if it is used by corporate. In today's business world, a lot of companies have branches in different countries so it is kind of hard to gather people around. However, with virtual world, all the workers from around the world could get together in cyberspace. It means companies could cut their budget in travel. Also, there is another benefit with virtual world which is training new workers. Virtual worlds can be look really like actual office so that workers could be familiar with the environment. Also, if people trains new comers in actual life, it is time taking. Also, as it mentioned in the article that we read in class, the computer company, IBM already adapted these kind of technology and succesfully using it.
What are the benefits of these technologies to society?
For our society, virtual world helped out people with disability. There was one article about a women who could find her new personality through the virtual world, She actually had to live her whole life in wheel chair but with virtual world, she could dance, run, ride a horse and swim.. It really helped her to be more active and talkative.
Is there a "dark side"?
There could be a darkside. Due to lack of security in virtual world, people could assult other people orally, such as verbal sexual harrassment and curse at people.
Friday, March 20, 2009
My New Media Class - So Far
What kinds of technologies are part of the new media?
I believe technologies that affect and improve 5C's are all part of the new media.
Communication: The new media helps people communicate each other better, no matter where they are. Examples could be Blogs and E-mails. When E-mails were not around us, we need to send paper mail to people and it takes forever to receive a mail. However, sending mail via internet allowed people to communicate a lot faster.
Another example could be instant messaging system such as MSN live messanger or AIM. This technology is better than email because it is a instant message that is like a phone with no voice but written sentences.
Community: When you think about new media with community, the first thing that hits you in the head is the online social networking sites. Social networking sites allows people to socialize with a lot of people which it could be hard in "offline." In offline, there is limitation of places that you could meet new people but on online there is no limitations.
Collaboration: The example of collaboration could be wikipedia. Wikipedia is like a encyclopedia online but people could update the information if there are something to change. Simply, people get together (collaborate each other) and create perfect information.
Creativity&Convergence: the technology that goes with these 2 C's is google map with real pictures. If you want to find a location and what the location really look like, you could check out real picture that is avavilable. Another example can be found in the course reading material. One person who are going to work in silicon valley needed to find a house near his work place but he could locate how the house look and actual location so he "mesh up" google map and housing website to see the location and picture of house in one time.
How important is the Internet to the new media?
These improvement of 5 C's could be achieved because of the internet. As you can see in my previous answer for the previous question, these improvement all happend online with people around the world. If there was not such thing as internet, we would still live in slow and boring life.
Why and how are the new media replacing and / or enhancing the old media?
The new media sure is replacing old media. As you can see, now a days people are watching news, reading newpaper, listening music on handheld PC. This PDA sure replaced news paper, TV, and CDplayer (cassette player). People are willing to do multiple things in one time but with old media it was impossible to do that but the new media allow people to do things that they always wanted to do.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Social Networking
-Social Networking in Corporation needs:
Social networking technology can give lots of advantages. First, through the social networking site, corporations can find talented new employees. Example of this aspect is the site called "Linked In." Anyone could upload their resume and brief introduction of themselves to let corporations to find talented people. Second, corporation could advertise themselves on the social networking site. Now a days, there is no one without the membership in some kind of networking site, so if the corporation advertise themself on that site it will be costless and very affective.
-Social Networking in Individual needs:
I had a friend who I couldn't find because I had to move to the US for studying, so I thought, I would not find him forever. However, the social networking site allowed me to find him really quick. (thanks to facebook) Like my example, these social networking site allow people to keep in touch no matter where you are.
What are the benefits of these technologies to society?
I think there are tons of benefits of social networking site. First, it allows to make a connection to people with similar interests and goals. (Like creating interest groups in Facebook) Second, sometime, it is hard to meet up with friends due to location matter. However, with networking site, people can get togerther no matter where they are.
Is there a "darkside"?
I think the only "dark side" for Social networking sites are privacy. When the facebook first came out there was no privacy between people. In other words, everybody could see all of other's pictures and writing on the walls. I heard that when the company are hiring new employees, they check people's facebook to check if their new employees are doing any "BAD" stuff...
The article about IBM shows that they are using social networking sites to hire new people and get connection with other IBM companies in all over the countries. Also the article about "allowing social networking site in company's computer" shows that it actually gave a lot of benefits to company such as finding and hiring new employees.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Book Review Outline
-what is the book about
-who is the target of the book
-major topics that I'm going to talk about in the review
-Overview of New Media(def...)
-Major Topic 1:Virtual Culture; social network, games...etc
-Major Topic 2:New Media and Economy
-Major Topic 3:Globalization with New Media
-How it realtes to what we learned in class
-did the book accomplish its purpose
-is there any changes to make in the book
Monday, March 16, 2009
Term Project Description
For the presentation, I will discuss about the definition of cyberterrorism in new media and how it used. Also, I will provide examples of terrorism and how it influence our life.
For the conclusion, I will provide how to prevent cyberterrorism and how governments treat cyberterrorism.
Blog vs. Wikipedia
In Blog if you want to fix something or give comment on creators' opinion, anyone could update it by give reply to those problems or topic. Also, like the Blog's updating process, Wikipedia can be updated by logging on to the site and make changes to what other's wrote on the site.
Differences: Between Blog and Wikipedia, there are about two differences. First of all, Blog is only for writer's own opinion on any topic so it could provide wrong information but for Wikipedia, it's almost like a encyclopedia which means that most of the time, it doesn't have any false information. Second, Blog is more personal cyber-space where as wikipedia has more scholarly articles. For example, if a person write his/her journals or diaries on some site, it can be called Blog but for Wikipedia, writing journals or diaries is not appropriate.
Importance in today's world: With Blog and Wikipedia's instant updates, people could obtain any information that they need anytime and anywhere they need as long as they have internet connection. I believe the pace of today's world is very fast so we need to update our information really fast so I think by Wikipedia and Blog is the most efficient way to update our knowledge.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Facebook vs Myspace vs Friendster vs Cyworld